Sunday, March 27, 2005



Luke 24:6-7
Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of man
must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the
third day rise.

One of the strange pleasures of the Blessed is the Great Apostolic Forehead
Slap. The pure delight of realizing that Joy was staring you in the face the
whole time (especially when things looked blackest) and you didn't see it--till
now. The Resurrection was the great surprise in broad daylight. It wasn't as
though everything--from the flowers in spring to the butterfly to the prophets
to Jesus himself--hadn't hinted, suggested, foreshadowed, portrayed, sung, and
outright promised it in plain speech. But with a race as silly/clever as ours,
the thing was still cloaked in impenetrable darkness. The apostles themselves
were blindsided by it, not because Jesus hadn't said anything, but because they
(like we) were fallen men who couldn't bring themselves to hope for so grand a
joy. But Joy is at the heart of things nonetheless, and Easter is the proof of
it. May God grant you and yours Easter Joy!


Monday, March 21, 2005

LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNITY, (Lighthouse Gemeenschap)

Hi there,

I'm in a Catholic Community called Lighthouse(although we are also very much open for Protestants to be in this community!). I'm three years already in this community, ever since I came back to the Netherlands in 2001.
For me being in this community is like being in a family, where your faith is being nourished and build up by sharing with others on how we live our faith day by day. There are two cellgroups in our community, I'm with Sacha, Josef, Peter, Annemiek, Sowyen, Vinícius, Joanna, Matubatsi. We are international, we come from Germany, Curaçao, Brazil, Poland, Aruba, South Africa and offcourse Holland.
The cellgroups come together every week, (mine Monday or Tuesday), and once a month both cellgroups come together every 3rd Sunday of the month. This gattering is called CELEBRATION.
There are pictures of the latest Celebration we had.

Once a year the Lighthouse community had a weekend, this year we went to Westkappelle in Zealand; Netherlands. The house were we stayed is called Duinzicht. We had lots of fun. A time of being together as a family, of strengtening our ties with each other and to make a deeper commitment with the community.(a verbal covenant, one that God wrote on our hearts and not on a document)

The following are pictures of this weekend and the last "Celebration".


(you can grasp a bit of the times, best would be to visit us)

Lighthouse weekend, Westkappelle; March 2005

Lighthouse weekend, March 2005 Posted by Hello
Duinzicht, Westkappelle. Lighthouse weekend March 2005 Posted by Hello
Vinícius and Adrie Posted by Hello
Diner on Saturday 12 of March Posted by Hello
breakfast during Lighthouse weekend (Marielle,Uta, Josef, Fr.Gabriël) Posted by Hello
Jamming by Vinnie and Adrie Posted by Hello
Saxophone solo by George Posted by Hello
during talk by Fr.Gabriël Posted by Hello
snapshot of Fr.Gabriël (by Hilde) Posted by Hello
Vinícius with Fr.Gabriël Posted by Hello
churchtower vuurtoren Posted by Hello
At the back of the vuurtoren Posted by Hello
Beach in Westkappelle Posted by Hello
War memorial Posted by Hello
The "Noorman" Posted by Hello
Kreek Posted by Hello
Vuurtoren Posted by Hello
During the 'Rally' in Westkappelle Posted by Hello
During the Rally Posted by Hello
Me, Lighthouse weekend Posted by Hello
Lighthouse weekend, Westkappelle Posted by Hello
Marielle, Joanna, Georg, Uta Posted by Hello
Lighthouse weekend, Fr.Gabriël, Marielle, Joanna, Georg Posted by Hello
Joanna Posted by Hello
Lighthouse weekend Posted by Hello